"If our bodies, minds and souls are in the same place at the same time, that's Yoga."- Somdutt Amoli, founder of the Satyam Vedic Yoga School
Yoga is far more than physical exercises/asanas. Yoga is a lifestyle that is aimed at everyone who has the appropriate interest. In my Satyam Yoga Community I would like to share the background information on traditional yoga that I brought with me from India and will bring with me in the future. I give tips for transfer to our western lifestyle and would like to join the discussion with you. The community lives with and from you and will expand bit by bit. My master's definition of yogaFollowing Som, I divide them into 3 main categories "Body", "Mind" and "Soul". Som is of course also involved in the community himself - so if you have any questions for him, please write them here and I'll pass them on. Let yourself be surprised, immerse yourself in a new world, discuss, ask questions and let's create something for all of us together. I look forward to seeing you!